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Taylor Swift Eras Tour Movie vs Concert: Which was better?

泰勒·斯威夫特——社会上最受欢迎的创作型歌手之一——度过了令人难以置信的成功和忙碌的一年. With the release of her newest albums 晚上也有, Speak Now (Taylor’s Version), 1989 (Taylor’s Version), the start of her well-known and sold out tour -时代之旅 -, she recently released an entire movie in theaters about 时代之旅.

阅读更多 关于泰勒·斯威夫特时代巡演电影vs演唱会:哪个更好?

Raider Review Articles

photo of water hitting a glass of ice

Don’t grab that glass of water! It’s way too cold and it’s winter, why drink it? Most of America is obsessed with any sort of cold beverage. 虽然你可能很想喝杯冷饮解渴,但是 79% 许多人同意你说喝冰水感觉很好, the question arises if it’s beneficial to your health. 

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Taylor Swift Eras Tour Movie vs Concert: Which was better?

泰勒·斯威夫特——社会上最受欢迎的创作型歌手之一——度过了令人难以置信的成功和忙碌的一年. With the release of her newest albums 晚上也有, Speak Now (Taylor’s Version), 1989 (Taylor’s Version), the start of her well-known and sold out tour -时代之旅 -, she recently released an entire movie in theaters about 时代之旅.

阅读更多 关于泰勒·斯威夫特时代巡演电影vs演唱会:哪个更好?
My Central Experience

By Lucy Johnston '27

作为一个从幼儿园到八年级在同一所小学校上学的人, 我从来没有多少学校精神,我以为中央天主教只是另一所普通的学校. Little did I know that Central would quickly prove me wrong.  

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Welcome Raiders and all who are new in our community! 中央天主教无法抑制他们的兴奋:我们太想念你们了,他们等不及你们回来了. 事实上,我们太想你了我们已经为你的第一次迟到留堂安排好了! 但别担心,这都是Raider“守时”精神的体现.'

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